Sunday, January 6, 2013

my fish~(photo enlarged to make it look bigger)

here it is...the biggest fish i've ever caught!
it may not look big to you- but man oh man when i
pulled it up thru the 12 inches of ice- it looked
like moby dick to me. : )
minutes later, i ventured over to the fish house
my son and grandson were fishing in and
the timing couldn't have been more
seth was yelling and jumping around
and about to need help reeling
in the biggest fish HE'D ever caught.
i teased him that mine was bigger- but clearly
it was no contest.
thanks adria and chris for inviting us to go fishing with you.
p.s. there is still a glitch with uploading photos on blogger. it's not just me
and they are working to fix the problem- in the meantime thanks for
being patient. i'm not so good at that!
the Christmas tree is now in a snowbank outside and the
needles are all cleaned up. i changed the living room
around and it feel so clean and good.
hope you had a marvelous sunday my dears!
xo, beth

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