Saturday, October 29, 2011


my dear friend threw a party today. she is someone who lives in
gratitude. she inspires me. she is a good person, she finds joy in whatever life throws her way. today she treated some friends to a party. she simply wanted to let us all know that she loves and appreciates us in her life.

if you've never had Patty Cake-get thyself to Yum
 how cool is that? i felt so honored to be a part of her celebration-she had everything set up at YuM bakery and i felt like a little girl again-  at a kick arse birthday party-complete with favors to take home. (only thing missing was pin the tail on the donkey.)
girlfriend knows how to entertain let me tell ya.  thanks for a delightful afternoon cheri' marie and thanks for being so FaBuLoUs!!!

the motley crew

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