Tuesday, May 8, 2012

here's a picture of my kitchen window sill at the cabin.
 the last thing i grabbed as we hurried to the truck to head north on fri. night was a clippers. i ran to the garden and cut these beautiful bleeding hearts. my bleeding heart plant is very special to me. i moved it here from alexandria over 20 years ago and it has grown and brought me joy each and every spring since!
wherever i am-i am a happier camper if i have a little vase of flowers. well guess what i found
blooming at our new place-yep you guessed it~ bleeding hearts!
i also found rhubarb, strawberries, wild raspberries, snow on the mountain, apple and plum trees.
i hope to get in my gardens here and start splitting hostas and other plants to move up there, because i MUST have gardens there to tend to. i just must : )

and check out these gardening boots i scored at a yard sale for $2 and have already worn in the wet grass up there....

and this little vintage vase was also a new/old find.

have the best of good days my friends,
xo beth


  1. Those boots are the bees knees!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!
    Love you!

  2. I love the "bleeding hearts" and mason jar window sill...slightly jealous, just sayin'.


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