Tuesday, March 6, 2012

aloe vera anyone?

today was.... ummmmmm simply irresistible!

did you sneak in a little walk over lunch, or sit out in a lawn chair with an adult beverage like the hubs and i? if you were lucky enough to have been outside long, you could have even gotten sunburned.(hope not!) the weather man just said it was 60 degrees in my little corner of the world and i could taste spring in the air!

 one thing i love to do every year about this time is plant some wheat berry seeds in pots in the house. it is the coolest grassy like green stuff you've ever seen. you can buy it at natural food stores in the bulk bins.when i owned my store i used to have small bags of it to give away in the spring.
one of my favorite customers once stopped by with a HUGE, gorgeous ceramic container (it was so heavy she could hardly walk) of it to show me. she had never tried growing the wheat berries before we gave her some. she thought it was  about the coolest thing since pantyhose and she just wanted to show me what she'd done with her seeds ! : )   isn't that fun? it's the little things in life that bring us the most joy right? i'm going to look for some pictures of my grass growing projects to show you-in the meantime, here's a little burst of "springy thing-ies" to brighten your day~


                                      *cute idea for all you knitters out there

                     which really did come first, the chicken, the egg,
 or this adorable

and these crayola colored pinwheels
make ME happy~
it's not just all about you, you know...
no-just kidding,   it is--- really!!!

a friend just borrowed me a book she loved, the title is: 
it's by david wagner.
he owns juut salons and he discovered
that his greatest joy in life is
to bless someone elses day.

to quote david~
"whenever you have someone elses attention
your actions can convince them that the world is a cold,
frightening place,
or that it's full of love and joy."


he has built an empire on this very premise.
my friend wants to work for him~
and she'd be great at it too.

special birthday wishes go out to my niece jess who turned 25 today.
i was there the day she was born and like every birth, it was a miracle.
 i was so lucky to have been witness to one of the most profound of all
miracles in this world, a baby's birth. thanks sis for letting me be there
to wipe your brow and peek under the washcloth you had over your eyes.

you know when i tease you about "the washcloth" you would NOT come out from under
i do so with love right?
birthing that almost 10 lb. baby girl was no small feat!!!!!
i think all moms should get cards and presents on their
kids birthdays too... hallmark are you listening?

p.s.   jessie..... you is smart, you is beautiful, you is important~
always remember that o.k.?

xo,  beth

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