Friday, June 21, 2013

so, it was father's day last sunday...this is my son and his son.
boysie is 13 and still loves to sit on his dad's lap- (a lot)

i love it & his dad loves it. i was encouraging the kiss here
and they were both being all silly and giggly.



i've been working in my yard a lot this spring (today is the start of summer btw).
i've weeded and watered and planted and mulched.
i can't wait to wander out every day and see how all the
little seeds i planted are growing.  last night we had a big
ol' storm...thunder, lightning and torrential rains beat down.
there was over 2 inches by morning and things look a bit
bedraggled today, but here's some shots of the back yard before the storm.




i haven't had nasturtiums for several years... forgot how much i love them.
they are edible too- so go ahead, throw some on your salad and munch away.



the weekend forecast is for pure, unadulterated summer.
put on your sunscreen and bug spray and let's soak it up!

p.s. omgoodness- has anyone else noticed that the mosquitos are about
twice the size they normally are? little suckers are out and they
are hungry. we may all need to walk around in bug suits in the tropical heat
this weekend. arrriiiiiiba!
xo, beth


  1. You have a garden at TWO HOUSES! NO FAIR!!!! I need a new house.

    1. put on your gloves and bring HJ and you can help me hoe!!! : )

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