for the last 10 months i've been keeping a gratitude journal.
my goal was to make it to 1000. i thought it would take a
REALLY long time, but a month ago i reached my goal.
the best part is-i didn't stop. i have been hearing alot about
how gratitude changes people. it changes lives. it makes you
look for the silver lining in every situation. i feel it working
in me. even on days when life hits me hard-and this last year there have been some of those days friends-before i tuck myself into bed i reflect and remember with gratitude the things that went right in my day. there are always, always blessings.
i'm going to share todays.
i am thankful for:
*the neighborhood owl that hooo'd to me
*a doctor with genuine compassion
*a drive thru a small town-lit up with white lights
*music that made me smile
*my oldest son sharing our dinner
*a phone call from a friend
*feeling well
*time in my studio
*a husband who'll run to the grocery store
*my warm casa
and speaking of warm-here's a quick pic of the headband i
just finished.
i am one lucky girl, and i don't take that for granted
xo, b.
great post!