sunday afternoon my partner in crime maggie and i, decided that we were going to spend the next day together. we didn't know quite what we wanted to do- but after tossing a couple other options around, we decided to take her adorable 3 yr. old ~whom i still refer to as my dula baby since i was on board when she was born~ and head to the minnesota landscape arboretum. I hadn't been out there yet this summer- ( which is such a shame- as i live less than 5 miles from this incredible playground for both children and almost grown ups-like me!) you know me- if there is anything cute or interesting to photograph- i will be snapping pictures along the way.
i hadn't had the fun of taking Josie's pictures for quite a while and it was a blast. girlfriend is so hilarious, cute as a bug's ear and animated. she'd pose for me and then dart off to explore whatever captured her attention next.
here is a snippet of the fun that we had on monday. (it may be a lot of photos- but i could have added more-so get a cup of coffee and get settled k.?)
o.k., here's where the hilarious part of the story started to happen.... maggie bent over and let this little green tree frog crawl up on her finger and jos admired it and then even held it for a while (such a brave girl)- then maggie noticed that there were tadpoles in the fountain too! she scooped one up and josie proceeded to try and catch one to hold. she couldn't get a hold of one and it caused a full blown meltdown. the kind only a 2-3 year old is capable of having. it makes me chuckle every time i think about it.
she stood up and stomped to the opposite side of the pond crying and then sat down and looked over her shoulder at her momma and i and screamed "the tadpoles don't LIKE ME"!!! (maggie and i didn't even try not to laugh- we just threw back our heads and had a good laugh about it and let her stew a little while before m. headed over to console her and cheer her up). the whole episode lasted about 2 minutes-but will make me smile for a long time. : D
the photo below looks all sweet and precious, but it was the end of the "tadpole tantrum".
pretty sure jos was doing some meditative deep breathing here- getting her mo-jo back.
it worked!!! look at this angelic smile!
course i had to get my picture taken with the little honey too~
aren't they adorable? Maggie is an amazing mother to this lucky little girl.
it was pure joy watching this little girl
discover the wonder of the arboretum for the very first time.
there's just something so
magical about a lazy summer day isn't there?
xo, beth